Solar energy is considered the richest and one of the most promising sources of renewable energy on Earth. Its use brings significant economic and environmental benefits. However, the availability of this source depends on local weather conditions, on a daily and annual cycle of the Sun.
The amount of power that reaches us in the form of sunlight is measured by the so-called designation the density of solar radiation. The density of solar radiation for Poland is located within the range 950 - 1250 kWh/m2. These values are similar to the values achieved in Germany or northern France and larger than, for instance, in Denmark or Sweden, where solar energy is successfully transformed into electricity and heat.
The use of solar energy can let us save up to 70% of the cost of heating hot water. In winter when using central heating, the solar energy can cover up to 60% of the cost of traditional energy. Additionaly, the use of solar energy in households lets you get some independence from external suppliers of energy as well as effectively protects you from the aftermath of increasingly higher prices of other energy sources. There is also the possibility to convert sunlight into electricity by using photovoltaic cells. This technology can be successfully applied in cases of electrical power installation of information and warning alarm system (traffic lights, railway lights, road lights, aviation lights, marine lights, control and automation systems, telephone booths, land and sea radiobeacons, beacon buoys, lights on the tops of towers, chimneys, tall buildings, mountains), as well as in cases of electrical power installation in communication systems (such as portable and fixed radio and television transmitters and receivers, relay stations, cellular telephony).
It is assumed that the price of crude oil, natural gas and coal will be increasing and the Polish market does not have relatively cheap energy from nuclear power stations. The situation gets even more complicated because of the release of prices of traditionally generated energy. Considering all the above assumptions solar installations become very competitive form of investment, with high rates of depreciation and the growing rate of costs reimbursement.
There is a possibility of co-financing of investments, which will let to obtain 15 - 20% share of renewable sources in energy production, what is compatible with the latest recommendations of the European Commission. EU grants for the years 2007 - 2013 under the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment include the amount of 37.6 billion euros (about 42 % of the total resources of cohesion policy in Poland), and over 880 million euros of this amount is allocated directly for actions related with RES (Renewable Energy Sources).
Our offer:
- comprehensive carrying of investment in the field of heat or electrical production,
- preparing of the conception, selection of appropriate solar collectors or solar panels and their accessories,
- assistance in signing any contracts for the sale of energies, obtaining appropriate licenses, preparing business plan and assistance in obtaining national or European funding,
- possibility of realizing a conception of building solar power plants.
If you are interested in using solar energy and raise funds for the above investment, please contact us.