Technological credit provides an additional opportunity to obtain financing for innovative investments, and thus gain real influence on the development of the company.
The subject of technological credit can be purchase and implementation of new technologies or implementation of new technologies and launch the production of new or significantly improved products, processes or services. "New technology" is here understood as a technology in the form of industrial property rights or research and development services, or technical knowledge, which allows the production of new or significantly improved products, processes or services and is not used in the world for more than 5 years.
Technology Credit can not be granted for the purchase, lease or rental of an asset, in which a new technology (which is the subject of technological investment) was implemented.
Technological credit can get a company which meets the criteria for micro, small or medium business and having sufficient creditworthiness.
The amount of aid, which is part of a technology bonus, calculated on the amount of eligible costs of investment, varies from region to region and company size, in accordance with the ceilings set by the regional aid map. The amount of technological bonus ranges from 40 to 70%, but not more than 4 million PLN. The own contribution of the entrepreneur is at least 25% of eligible costs. There is no limit to the amount of technological credit, and to the amount of total investment costs (as the maximum threshold is 50 million euros).
The technological credit we can finance:
- purchase of assets, including buildings and parts thereof, excluding transport equipment purchased by the transport sector operators;
- Hire, rent or lease of assets, land, buildings, constructions,
- Construction and development of existing structures, buildings, machinery, equipment constituting capital assets,
- purchase or lease of intangible assets,
- purchase of land or perpetual usufruct of land up to 10% of eligible expenditure,
- expenses incurred by outside consultants performed studies, expert opinions, conceptions and projects, needed to implement new technology within the technological investment.
Please note that credit primarily technological rewards creativity and ingenuity of entrepreneurs, and is not involved in the financing of innovative technologies already implemented. Innovation in a loan must be initiative and idea entrepreneurs.
We encourage you to for the funds of the Technology Credit. Our specialists for your company:
- will examine the possibility of obtaining technology credit,
- prepare the necessary documentation,
- assist in the implementation and the settlement project.
If you are interested in obtaining the technological credit for your company, please contact us.